It has now been 2 months since we returned from our trip around Africa and Asia. During this trip we met many amazing people who are doing wonderful things for their communities. One of these was Mr. B.P. Lama, a Tibetan refugee and an English school teacher at Shree Lok Priya School in Chame, Nepal. Chame is located in the Annapurna mountain range, 8,760 feet above sea level and it is reached by a strenuous 5 day trek from the nearest road.
We met Mr. B.P. Lama and his students on our way up to Chame and were invited

to visit their school. The school was a small gray brick building with 5 tiny classrooms and a tiny library. Chame is a major village along the Annapurna Circuit and this school supports kids from smaller villages in the area. Some of these children have to leave their homes and work at a guesthouse at night in exchange for lodging while they attend school. Right now the school has 18 such “orphan” students, aged 9 to 14 and attending grades 2 through 8. We met some of these kids at night as they served our dinner at one of the guest houses and we were amazed by their circumstances.
The school:

The Nepali people highly value education and we were surprised that during our trek children were not begging for money, toys or candy but simply for school pens! Now that we are back, we are reaching out to friends, families and anyone who sees education as a tool to alleviate poverty.
Please look around your house for extra pens, pencils, paper/notebooks, easy to read English books and any clothes that your kids no longer need (ages 9-14). We will be sending a shipment to Mr. B.P. Lama in April and would appreciate your help.
Here is a photo of one of the classrooms at the school

Best Regards, Todd and Tatyana
Hey guys...where would you like us to send supplies so that you can ship them out?? (to Tatyana's parents home or the Boones, etc???). I know you are out of the country for a while. Perhalps we'll hang on to them till you decide if you're stopping through this way on the trek back. Let us know when you can. :) Kristin