Here we go again…with 3 kiddoes

A month ago, I randomly met an old friend of Todd’s who followed this blog in 2009/2010 when we traveled the world for 14 months. Quite naturally she noted “aren’t you glad you took that big trip, because you can’t do that now with littles ones!” Yet here we are, on a nearly 3 months-long trip across Europe with 3 children under the age of 6. When I tell people that I am taking the summer off to travel with my family the most common response I get is “wow, you are so fortunate that you can do that!” However, I believe “fortunate” mischaracterizes our situation. The truth is we are no more fortunate than any of our peers; but we do make a different set of choices: primary, we choose to live and travel SIMPLY. And so I am restarting our blog to share our current journey in figuring out how to keep travel a major part of our lives - both financially, and with 3 little kids. If nothing else, we hope that sharing these deta...