India Wrap: Varanasi and Kolkata
Namaste, So.....After a few days in Delhi, we took the overnight train to Varanasi , one of the holiest places India, and one of the oldest cities in the world. Bordered by the river Ganges, multitudes migrate here near the time of their death to be cremated on the river's banks and laid to rest in the river itself. We spent an hour one afternoon watching cremations (which consist of laying a body across a stack of wood and setting it afire) from the balcony of a hospice, where the aged waited patiently, collecting donations for the wood of their own pyre. The source fire for these cremations, we were told, has been burning non stop for thousands of years. Hundreds are disposed of this way at these "burning ghats" each day. After a few hours each fire dies down and the remains are collected and transported three meters or so to the river, where a boat dumps them a few meters off shore. -Not everything burns completely: rib cages and hip bones make up the bulk of what is t...