Nkhata Bay, Malawi
Hi All. We have now been staying in Myoka Village in Nkhata Bay , Malawi , close to a week. This is by far the longest Todd and I have stayed in any one place during our trips over the last 6 years and its our first proper vacation. The lodge is built into a side of a hill and has direct access to the bright blue and clear Lake Malawi . Our new friends, Nick and Clare - we met them in Tanzania - arrived a few nights after us and over the last few days we have spent countless hours swimming, reading and relaxing. The country is pretty poor and while we both feel bad about not spending more money we are doing a good job staying in budget (and making up for Tanzania where we spent more than expected). Yesterday was the first somewhat eventful day. Todd took a carving lesson from one of the local artists and we spent a long afternoon with his family hanging out outside of their house and learning to play bao . Here in Nkhata Bay most of the roads are not paved and we had to u...